Join the Movement

Imagine a movement as strong as MothersAgainstDrunkDrivers, Black Lives Matter and MeToo.

In order to put an end to the silence that perpetuates childhood sexual abuse we need every adult to become a Brave Voice. How do you see yourself included in the movement to protect children?

Which Volunteer Position is a Perfect Fit For You?


  • Contact and communicate with every “Celebrity” who has spoken publicly about the sexual harm they experienced as children. 
  •  Personally invite them to be interviewed on Archive Storycorps. 
  • We know that when others hear celebrities breaking their silence. Normalizing the conversation will snowball and before we know it conversations about protecting children from sexual harm will be discussed openly and often with respect and dignity. When people who speak up to protect children are held with reverence, others will begin to feel safe enough to use their voice as well. 


  • Organize events to raise money to support the efforts of Brave Voices

Grant Writer – 

  • Write Grants to fund Brave Voices initiatives.

Researcher – 

  • To study and prove speaking up, breaking the silence does in fact contribute to the reduction of sexual harm.